Banco Bicentenario is a bank based in Caracas, Venezuela. Here are some key details about the bank:
History and Formation:
Banco Bicentenario was created in late 2009 through the merger of several existing state-owned banks:
Banfoandes: A state-owned bank.
Bolívar, Central, and Confederado: Other state-owned banks.
BaNorte Bank: This bank was nationalized as a result of the 2009 banking crisis.
The new bank emerged from this consolidation and now holds around 20% of Venezuelan bank deposits.
Products and Services:
Cuenta de Ahorro (Savings Account)
Cuenta Corriente No Remunerada (Non-Interest-Bearing Checking Account)
Cuenta Corriente Remunerada (Interest-Bearing Checking Account)
Cuenta Pensionados (Pensioners’ Account)
Cuenta en Línea (Online Account)
Cuenta en Divisas (Foreign Currency Account)
Credit Products:
Crédito Personal (Personal Loans)
Microcrédito (Microloans)
Hipotecarios FAOV (Housing Loans)
Vehículo (Vehicle Loans)
Tarjeta de Débito (Debit Card)
Tarjeta de Débito Internacional (International Debit Card)
Tarjetas de Crédito (Credit Cards)
Tarjeta Virtual Internacional (Virtual International Card)
Online Services:
Bicentenario en Línea (Online Banking)
Pago de Servicios (Bill Payments)
Pago de Tributos (Tax Payments)
Tú Banca Móvil (Mobile Banking)
Other Services:
Cajeros Automáticos (ATMs)
Mercado Cambiario (Foreign Exchange Operations)
Operaciones Menudeo (Retail Operations)
Inversiones (Investments)
Depósito a Plazo Fijo (Fixed-Term Deposits)
Colocaciones a la Vista (Sight Deposits)
Branches in Caracas:
Banco Bicentenario has several branches in Caracas, including:
Parque Central
Plaza Las Américas
Avenida Venezuela (Torre Centenario, El Rosal)
Contact number for the Caracas branch: +58 212 95240202.
Online Banking (Bicentenario en Línea):
Bicentenario en Línea offers various features, including:
Checking recent connections.
Updating personal data online.
Changing login passwords.
Requesting, activating, and canceling the Tarjeta de Coordenadas (Coordinate Card).
Self-management of Pago Móvil (Mobile Payments).
Foreign exchange operations (Mesa de Cambio)3.
For more detailed information, you can visit the official Banco Bicentenario website.
Last Updated on May 6, 2024