How to login to your account?
You will find the log in to the Internet bank of Banka Ekonomike, Pristina, Kosovo by log on to their website. This is the direct link, which is the home page First thing to do is to select the preferred language. It is in the following link, upper left corner of the page. Click on the box of changing languages and select English or any other from the available ones: – please check the following screenshot for logging in.
The log in box is on the right side of the home/front page. Click on Login: e banking. Enter your user name and password. Access via SMS is gained by inserting the individual user name and personal password. eBanking sends a text message with a confirmation code, to be input to gain access. The code sent is valid for one minute. After this period of time, access must be requested again. If the language changes to original, you can click on EN as the following screenshot shows. Please check the following screenshot of login to Banka Ekonomike, Pristina, Kosovo.
To apply for an account
If you would like to apply for an account or for any product or services offered by Banka Ekonomike, Pristina, Kosovo, please contact the bank at the following details:
Contact and Address +383(0) 38 500 500 – +383(0) 38 500 507
Head Office Mother Teresa Square p.n. 10000 Prishtina, Kosovo.

Banka Ekonomike was licensed on 28.05.2001 and it commenced its work in early June of the same year. From the moment of being licensed, Banka Ekonomike has undergone significant changes in all aspects of its development and it is the only bank with 100% domestic capital. Banka Ekonomike has a network that was developed gradually and which extends throughout the territory of Kosovo. Currently, Banka Ekonomike has 31 banking units, of which, seven branch offices in Kosovo’s main centers and 24 sub-branch offices in smaller regional areas.
Last Updated on June 20, 2022