BoB was established by a Royal Charter in May 1968, Bank of Bhutan (BoB) is the oldest bank in the country. It also acted as the Central Bank of Bhutan till the Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan was set up in 1982. It was the country’s only banking institution until 1997.
BoB is the largest commercial bank in Bhutan
BoB provides a wide range of services, such as deposits, loans, and money market as well as facilitating financial transactions of customers. Its services include acquiring and issuing of Credit and Debit cards. It also offers e-payment gateway services.
You will find the log in to the Internet bank of Bank of Bhutan, Phuntsoling, Bhutan when by log on to their website.
The log in box is in the main page of the site. You do not need further support for using the log in of Internet bank of Bank of Bhutan, Phuntsoling, Bhutan since they have modernized their internet banking.
Besides logging in to Bank of Bhutan, Phuntsoling, Bhutan , you might also be able to register a new account with Bank of Bhutan, Phuntsoling, Bhutan . Many sites like Bank of Bhutan, Phuntsoling, Bhutan offer that you can register an account just click on REGISTER NOW that you’ll find above the login button.

Last Updated on June 23, 2022