How to login to your account?
- You login to your account from the front/home page of Bank of Nevis, Charlestown, St Kitts and Nevis, and this is the link:
- The login box is in the home/front page in the upper left side corner (please check the following screenshot).
- To login to your account click on online banking, then click on online banking login (BON). Enter your user name and password and login to your account with Bank of Nevis, Charlestown, St Kitts and Nevis.
- If you would like to login to your credit card account, it is under online banking too. Click on credit card login and enter your username and password and login to your credit card account.
How to register/apply for an account?
- Bank of Nevis, Charlestown, St Kitts and Nevis, made it very easy and simple to apply online for any of its services whether loans, credit cards, or different type of accounts…etc.
- In order to apply for an account with Bank of Nevis for any of their different services, you will find all applications forms in the home page, upper left corner, under the online banking box.
- Please check the following screenshot. If you need to apply for debit card/visa debit click on it according to the following screenshot. You will be able to download the application, fill it and submit it to the bank for approval.
- You download applications to apply also for loans, for deposits accounts, personal or business account…etc fill it and submit it for approval.
- Please check the following screenshot whether for login or to apply for an account with Bank of Nevis, Charlestown, St Kitts and Nevis.

The Bank of Nevis Limited provides a range of banking and financial services in the St. Christopher & Nevis, Other Caribbean, North America, and Europe. It operates in three segments: Retail and Corporate Banking; Offshore Banking; and Mutual Funds. The Retail and Corporate Banking segment offers various private banking services, customer current accounts, savings, deposits, consumer loans and mortgages, other credit facilities, overdrafts, and debit cards. The Offshore Banking segment provides private banking services, customer current accounts, savings, deposits, consumer loans and mortgages, other credit facilities, and overdrafts to non-residents of Nevis.
To date, Bank of Nevis International Ltd remains the only offshore bank in the Federation, offering an outstanding opportunity for clients to benefit from the advantages of a jurisdiction which promotes privacy, stability and integrity.
Today The Bank of Nevis Ltd commands a respectable share of the banking business in the Federation, and is the Bank of choice on the island of Nevis. The Bank of Nevis Ltd was the first bank to list its shares on the Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange (ECSE) in October 2001. It is also a licenced Broker Dealer/Intermediary of the ECSE thereby allowing the Institution to facilitate the buying and selling of shares listed on the ECSE. Capital has grown to over $50 million, and total assets to approximately $450 million. The Bank now employs in excess of fifty-five (55) staff.
The Bank is not only concerned about the economic development of the island. It continues to make substantial contributions through sponsorships and donations in other areas including education, sport, culture and health. The Bank’s motto ‘Improving the Quality of Life’ captures the ongoing contribution that the Bank makes to the overall development of the Federation, and its pride in doing so.
Last Updated on August 24, 2022