To login
You will find the log in to the Internet bank of Bank of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan by log on to their website’s home/front page and this is the link: The log in box is in the upper left corner of the page, under E- Banking. Enter your username and password and login to your account with Bank of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
To register an account
To register a new account with Bank of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, Go to the home/front page (link provided above). Click on Register which is located beside the login button, upper left corner. Once you click on registerو you will see different account types and services to select from. which are all under products. Select the product that match with your needs, then go with the steps online and register your account with Bank of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

The Bank of Punjab is a Pakistani bank which is based in Lahore, Pakistan. It serves Pakistan and functions as an international bank and is one of the prominent financial institutions of the country holding AA ratings.
The bank was established in 1989, pursuant to The Bank of Punjab Act 1989, and was given the status of a retail bank in 1994.
The Bank of Punjab was founded by Tajammal Hussain and it functions as a scheduled commercial bank, with a network of over 550 branches in major business centers throughout the country. It is the seventh largest commercial bank of the Country. It provides a wide range of banking services including deposit in local currency; client deposit in foreign currency; remittances; and advances to business, trade, industry and agriculture. First Punjab Modaraba (FPM), a wholly owned subsidiary of the bank, was established in 1992, and is being managed by Punjab Modaraba Services (Pvt) Ltd.
Currently, The Bank of Punjab is headed by Mr. Khalid Siddiq Tirmizey who serves as bank’s acting president & CEO. He also has been Chairman of Board of Directors of First Punjab Modaraba.
Last Updated on June 7, 2022