To login to your account
In order to login to your account with Bank Saint Petersburg, St Petersburg, Russia, you visit their website address : The log in box is in the upper right corner of the page under internet bank there is a login box. Click on Login and enter your user name and password and login to your account.
To apply for an account
Bank Saint Petersburg, St Petersburg, Russia, doesn’t seem to have online application or registering but you can contact the bank and ask about the options to open a bank account. This is the details to get in contact with the bank of Saint Petersburg, St Petersburg, Russia:
Full name “Bank “Saint-Petersburg” Public Joint-Stock Company
Short name “Bank “Saint-Petersburg” PJSC
Address 64A, Malookhtinsky pr., St. Petersburg, 195112, Russian Federation
Help desk +7 /812/ 329 5050 (24×7)

Bank ‘Saint-Petersburg’ Public Joint-Stock Company, a universal bank, provides a range of banking products and services to individuals and corporates in Russia. The company’s Corporate Banking division offers payment and settlement services, corporate loans, investment banking services, risk hedging solutions, and deposits. It also provides loans to small and medium enterprises; and a range of services related to documentary operations and international trade finance, as well as develops and implements projects and services for Exim companies.
The company’s Retail Banking division offers term deposits and current accounts; and mortgage, car, and consumer loans, as well as issues bank cards and provides related services. Its Private Banking division provides personal banking services to the wealthy private clients, including concierge services related to travel, private aviation, real estate, art purchases, etc. The company’s Digital Banking division offers e-banking system for retail customers; and Internet banking services through, as well as mobile banking applications, ATMs, and cards. The company operates 58 offices in Saint Petersburg, the Leningrad region, Moscow, and Kaliningrad; and 1 representative office in Novosibirsk. ‘Bank ‘Saint-Petersburg’ Public Joint-Stock Company was founded in 1990 and is headquartered in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Last Updated on June 7, 2022