Banque Intercontinentale Arabe, Paris website doesn’t seem to offer online banking services, such as logging in to your account or becoming a customer and register online. But you can check with the bank by contacting the customer services by phone, email or visit their branch: Address: 67 avenue Franklin Roosevelt 75008 Paris Tel : +33 (0) Fax : +33 (0) Hébergeur du site : Société OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
Created in 1975 in the heart of Paris, the Arab Intercontinental Bank changed its name in 2005 to become the BIA Bank. Intended since its origin for the reinforcement and the development of the economic and financial relations between France and the Arab countries, BIA Bank first specialized in the Eighties in the financing of trade flows between France and France. Algeria and Libya. The 2000s saw the beginning of a new commercial strategy extended to the entire Mediterranean area as well as to sub-Saharan Africa. Thus BIA Bank has become a reference bank in France and Europe at the service of developing commercial relations between the two shores of the Mediterranean.
Banque BIA S.A. provides various banking products and services in France, Algeria, Libya, Africa, the Middle East, other European countries, and internationally. It offers individual, corporate, and correspondent banks accounts; documentary, commercial, and financial credits; overdraft facilities; mortgage loans; performance guarantees; advance payment guarantees; and bid bonds. The company also provides syndication, discounting of receivables, and financing services. In addition, it finances exporting companies or companies that want to develop turnover on its preferred markets. Further, the company is involved in the management of funds; and issuance of guarantees, as well as in the inter-bank market activities.
Last Updated on June 7, 2022