To login to your account with Banque Int pour le Comm & l’Ind Guinea, Conakry, Guinea, visit the home page of their website: – The website is offered in two languages, French and Arabic. The language box is located in the upper right corner in the home page. If you speak English, you can simply translate the page by placing the mouse/cursor on any blank space on the page, then click the right mouse button, then click on translate to English. To login to your account, The login box is located in the home page upper right corner, under BCI online. Click on BCI online, and enter your user name details and password to login to your account with Banque Int pour le Comm & l’Ind Guinea.
To become a client with Banque Int pour le Comm & l’Ind Guinea, go/visit the home page (link provided above), then scroll a little bit down in the home page, then click on become a client, it is located in the home page, a little bit down in the right corner. Click on the become a client box, you will find out about the different accounts opening and how to open/become a client.
Terms and required infos and documents to become a client of Banque pour le Comm & l’Ind Guinea, BCI: according to
Current account for a sole proprietorship
Company The Institution Account allows you to formalize your relationship with your bank. It is made official by signing an account agreement.
Conditions to open an account:
– A request to open an account, on official letterhead
– Extract from the Trade and Companies Register and property credit register
– Photocopy of a valid piece of ID (passport, national identity card, residence permit)
– Two Passport/ID photos for the Manager
– A residence certificate or an electricity or water bill older than 3 months
– The list of people with signature authority over the accounts along with certifying documents
– An initial deposit of 1 500 000 GNF, 500 USD, 500 EUR
– Possibility to deposit, withdraw and transfer money, deposit checks and effects, certification…
– Free check book and monthly bank statements
– Payment of account management fees at the end of each month
– Possibility to obtain bank facility depending on the nature of the project and the client’s potential
– Gives you access to different means of payment (check, card…)
Current Account for Limited Company/ LLC
It allows you to formalize your relationship with your bank. It is made official by signing an account agreement.
It is simple and comprehensive, and it gives you access to different payment methods (check, card…) as well as allowing you to process credit or debit financial operations.
How to Open an Account
– A request to open an account, on official letterhead
– Extract from the Trade and Companies Register and property credit register
– Photocopy of a valid piece of ID (passport, national identity card, residence permit)
– The minutes of the Board of Directors naming the officers and specifying their position when not stated in the statutes (CEO, Chairman, General Director, General Administrator) for LC.
– Photocopy of certified statutes
– A valid piece of ID for all principals and signing officers: national ID card, residence permit, or passport;
– Two Passport/ID photos for all principals and signing officers
– A residence certificate or an electricity or water bill older than 3 months
– The list of people with signature authority over the accounts along with certifying documents for all principals and signing officers
– An initial deposit of 1 500 000 GNF, 500 USD, 500 EUR
How it Works
– Possibility to deposit, withdraw and transfer money, deposit checks and effects, certification…
– Free check book and monthly bank statements
– Payment of account management fees at the end of each month
– Possibility to obtain bank facility depending on the nature of the project and the client’s potential
– Gives you access to different means of payment (check, card…)
– Wiring your employees’ salary by sending us an electronic form (less administrative tasks and safer operations).
Embassy Account
How to Open an Account
– Letter of assignment from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
– The list of people with signature authority over the accounts along with certifying documents (minutes, delegation of signing authority);
– A water or electricity bill or lease for the institution older than 3 months
– A valid piece of ID for the signing officers: national ID card, residence permit, or passport;
– 2 Passport/ID Photos of all principals and signing officers
– A residence certificate or an electricity or water bill older than 3 months
– An initial deposit of 1 500 000 GNF, 500 USD, 500 EUR
Account for Associations NGO/Clubs
How to Open an Account
– The minutes of the Board of Directors naming the directors and administrators
– Photocopy of certified statues
– Ministerial agreement
– Internal regulations
– Photocopy of a valid piece of ID (passport, national identity card, residence permit) for all principals and signing officers
– 2 Passport/ID Photos of all principals and signing officers
– A residence certificate older than 3 months or lease contract for individuals and signing officers
– The list of people with signature authority
– An initial deposit of 1 500 000 GNF, 500 USD, 500 EUR
For further info, contact the BCI bank, by phone or email or visit their branch or contact them directly through their contact page : The head office : 6ème Avenue de la Republique, Sandervalia, Kaloum, BP:359, Conakry, GUINEA – Tel: +224 628 68 75 19 – Email: –
Banque Int pour le Comm & l’Ind Guinea, Conakry, Guinea or BCI Guinea began its activities on July 2, 2012, confirming BCI Group’s desire for sub-regional expansion. Despite an unfavorable socio-economic and political environment, and thanks to a dynamic commercial policy and offers tailored to the needs of its customers, BCI Guinea has been able to meet the requirements of a difficult market and increased competition. bigger. The banking sector nowadays has around fifteen operational banks.
After the opening of four agencies including one inside the country (Labé) and three in Conakry, BCI Guinea opened a fifth agency in Conakry in Matoto commune on November 23, 2015. These agencies have allowed the Bank to better approach its target clientele and increase the level of its deposit collections. In order for BCI Guinea SA to stay close to its clients, 6 agencies have been opened in the country. The bank is also planning to expand its operations in Conakry and inside of Guinea.
Last Updated on June 7, 2022