The website is offered in French language. You can translate any page in English language, by simply stands with the mouse/cursor on an empty/blank space on the page, click the right button of the mouse, then select translate to English language. Go to the home page whether you need to login to your account or to become a client of Banque Nationale d’Investissement, Abidjan, Côte d`Ivoire: – d’Investissement, Abidjan, Côte d`Ivoire. To login, click on ACCEDER A MES COMPTES, which is located in the upper right corner of the home page. Enter your username from the keyboard you will see on the page, then click on suivant which is next in English.
To become a client/open an account, go to the home page. and click on ouvrir un compte, which is located in the upper right corner. Unfortunately till the 30th of May, the online service of opening an account is not available yet, but is coming soon. But you can contact the bank, or visit the nearest branch to your location to open an account. This is the direct link to the contact page – you can call by phone +225 20 20 98 00 – (+225) 20 20 98 78 this is their address: Abidjan Plateau, Avenue Marchand, Immeuble SCIAM – or you can email them: – please check the following screenshot whether to login or to open an account with Banque Nationale d’Investissement, Abidjan, Côte d`Ivoire.

Born from the desire of the Ivorian authorities to establish Côte d’Ivoire’s development on a strong and credible institution, the National Bank of Investment ( BNI ) was created in 1959 (by decree n ° 59-209 of October 21st 1959) under the name of Caisse Autonome d’Amortissement (CAA) which ensured, among other missions like, research and mobilization of internal and external resources to finance the development of the country; the service of the Public Debt; the deposit management of EPN (National Public Establishment).
In 1998, new directions were given to the Bank. It has thus become an investment bank after obtaining a banking license from the WAMU Banking Commission and the BCEAO, with the status of a state-owned company. It has performed the triple function of investment banking, refinancing and advisory until 2008 when asset management has been added to the number of its business lines. Please visit BNI website, for further info about their history, services/products, achievements and goals.
Last Updated on June 7, 2022