To login to your account, visit the Bayerische Landesbank (BayernLB) website: – The login box is located in the home page, upper right corner, under CLIENTNEXT-LOGIN. Click on CLIENTNEXT-LOGIN, enter your ID and your password and then click login. If you would like to apply for online access, repeat the same steps as mentioned above for the login, then click on apply for access. You will get two boxes to accept and agree according to Bayerische Landesbank (BayernLB) for online access and filling data, then you will see a BayernLB customer portal registration, fill it and then click on continue to login details.

Bayerische Landesbank, a commercial bank, provides various banking services for large corporate and companies, real estate customers, financial institutions and asset management customers, and the public sector in Europe and the United States. It offers various services for corporate, such as supply chain, investment, capital market, subsidized, syndicated, project, municipal special, acquisition, and asset financing, as well as liquidity management, forfeiting, guarantee, equity capital markets, and leasing services; purchase of receivables and financing of receivables portfolios; export finance, documentary credits, bank guarantees, and forfeiting; treasury, commercial paper, customer valuation tool, and European Market Infrastructure Regulation services, as well as hedge energy and commodities; and structured products, private placements, and custody services. The company also provides financial markets services, including capital investment and treasury; loan syndication, agency desk, import/export and trade financing, and export finance; and transaction banking. In addition, the company provides various services for real estate customers, such as real estate portfolio, development project, real estate fund, and foreign property financing; and property services comprising capital investment and consulting on acquiring and selling real estate/M&A, fund and asset management, real estate valuation, and facility management and construction controlling. Further, it offers direct banking for retail customers, residential mortgage and municipal lending, and energy and infrastructure project financing; asset management; project management, and real estate valuation and research services; building management, construction work, and consulting services; credit cards; and security, office management, and catering services. The company was founded in 1884 and is headquartered in Munich, Germany. Bayerische Landesbank is a subsidiary of BayernLB Holding AG.
Last Updated on June 7, 2022