How to login to your account with BCBE? The website is available in two languages: Deutsche and French. If you want to translate it to English, you can simply go to the BCBE website’s home page: – Place the mouse on any blank space on the page, then click on the right button of the mouse, and select translate to English. The language buttons are located in the home page, upper right corner under FR AND DE. The login box is located in the home page, upper right corner, under Connexion e-banking. Click on Connexion e-banking to login to your account with BCBE. Once you click on Connexion e-banking , you will have four available languages to select from: Italian, English, French and Deutsche. Select the language that suits you, and enter your user identification (ID) , and password, and then click continue.
How to open an account/become a client or get a banking card with BCBE? In the home page, scroll down a little bit, till you find the box where it is mentioned Comptes et cartes, just click on it, then scroll a little bit down, till you find a red arrow pointing at ouvrir un compte, which is in English open an account; or click on demander une carte, which is in English get your card. Just remember that you can always translate the page to English or any other language that you seeks, by repeating the steps we have mentioned above about how to translate the page to English. Whatever your selection whether to open an account or get a card, you will be asked to fill a form online and submit it to the bank for approval.

With nearly 500,000 customers, more than 1,200 employees and 60 branches, the BCBE is firmly anchored in the cantons of Bern and Solothurn. The BCBE is the first cantonal bank to have taken the form, in 1998, of a public limited company. Today, 48.5% of the shares are in public hands and 51.5% belong to the canton of Bern. The bank is one of the ten largest public limited companies in Switzerland, based on the number of shareholders (55,000 shareholders).
As a universal bank, the BCBE offers complete formulas for private clients, but also for business customers and commercial customers, particularly SMEs. The investment of funds for Private Clients and Asset Management for companies and institutional investors are among BCBE main competences.
BCBE offers for Private Customers Transfer accounts and cards, Savings accounts. investments, Mortgages and financing.
Private Banking, Accounts and cards, Payments and invoices. financing. trading…and more services and products, please check it on the BCBE website.
Last Updated on June 7, 2022