You will find the log in to the Internet bank of Boursorama Banque, Boulogne-Billancourt, France by log on to their website which you’ll find in French with no English button to translate the page, so all you have to do is click on a blank space on the page with the right mouse button and choose translate to English from the menu that appears and the page will be translated to English. The log in box is in the link provided above under Login. Enter your login ID, password, and login to your account.
Boursorama Banque, Boulogne-Billancourt, France offers that you can register an account. Just visit their website which you’ll find in French with no English button to translate the page so all you have to do is click on a blank space in the site the right mouse button and choose translate to English from the menu that appears and the page will be translated to English, then read the information given on how to open an account with Boursorama Banque, It is actually very easy, all you need to do is to fill their form online and submit it for approval.
Boursorama provides online banking, brokerage, and financial information services. The company’s portfolio of banking products include current and interest-bearing accounts, saving products, housing loans, credit cards, life insurance, related mobile applications, and more.
Boursorama’s brokerage portfolio includes diversified investment shares, options and futures, warrants, turbos, certificates, bonds, trackers, stocks, bonds, derivatives, CFDs, technical analysis, market information, and quotes. In addition, the company operates and, which are online financial and economic information internet portals that deliver information on listed companies and agencies comprising of discussion forums, news, videos, and market prices.
Boursorama was founded in 1989 and is headquartered in Boulogne-Billancourt, France. The company currently operates as a subsidiary of Société Générale Group.
Last Updated on June 7, 2022