You will find the log in to CEC Bank, Bucharest, Romania by log on to their website…OASLogon%2ELanguage=GB The log in box is in the upper right corner of the page, under login. Enter your username, Access code and login to your account. CEC Bank, offers that you can open/apply for an account by visiting the nearest branch or contact the bank and inquire about the account opening process. Please check the following screenshots for your guidance, in case of login or applying for an account.
CEC Bank currently allows you to connect accounts with nine other top banks and financial institutions to view your balance and transactions. The list includes the largest banks in Romania: BT, BCR, Raiffeisen, BRD, Unicredit, ING, Libra Bank, Alpha Bank, but also Revolut.
“Checking the account balance is the most frequently accessed feature on Mobile Banking, and on average, an active user checks their account balance 3 times a week. CEC opens access to the accounts of other banks and financial institutions, they offer more comfort and speed to customers, who will thus have access to the complete financial statement aggregated from one place: the Mobile Banking application of CEC Bank ” , a said Mugur Podaru, director of Remote Operations at CEC Bank.
External accounts can be added directly from CEC Bank’s Mobile Banking application in three easy steps:
Step 1: From the main menu, access the Accounts / Add accounts from other banks option,
Step 2: Select the desired bank
Step 3: Confirm the access, using the authentication data established in relation to the bank where the account is domiciled.
Subsequently, the balances of the external accounts and the transaction lists will be available directly in the Mobile Banking application of CEC Bank, without the need to access and authenticate in other applications.
The service is accessible free of charge, at no extra charge.
CEC Bank’s Mobile Banking application has seen a doubling of the number of users and an increase of over 110% in the number of transactions in 2020.
CEC Mobile Banking currently offers some of the most advanced features on the market:
Instant payments and Alias Pay (payments based on phone number) to recipients with bank accounts who have joined this Transfond service
Integration with for viewing and paying taxes, fees and fines
Possibility to fund the accounts from CEC Bank, through Intercont Transfer, with amounts from the cards issued by other banks
View the credit situation and pay the installments
Ability to change trading limits and debit card settings
Possibility to authorize online biometric card payments
Basic features such as viewing balances, making payments and transfers in lei and foreign currency, opening accounts and deposits, and replenishing savings accounts.
Last Updated on August 22, 2022