You will find the log in to Center Bancorp, Union, New Jersey, United States by log on to their website The log in box is in the upper right corner of the page under LOGIN. Click on LOGIN, enter your company ID, User ID and press continue ( To Sign in to CB&T/F&SB Business Banking ) If you need assistance in logging in, Call Customer Support at 1-888-846-7303 or email at
To login to commercial banking or personal banking, you will find it upper right corner beside the Login box, same above provided link, under Commercial banking, click on Commercial banking, and select either to login to commercial banking or personal banking, It depends on what type of account you have with the bank. Then enter your user ID, password and login to your account.
You need to contact Center Bancorp, if you would like to know how to apply or open an account. You can use their contact page, here is the link Before you submit the form/message on their website, please be sure there are no account numbers, social security numbers or other sensitive information contained in your form. If you need to contact Center Bancorp regarding such information, please call at (719) 228-1080 for further instruction. Other contact details phone and address : Central Bancorp Corporate Headquarters, Bancorp Plaza. 1 South Nevada Avenue, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80903 – 719.228.1080
Center Bancorp’s family of integrated financial services: Central bank & Trust , CB&T Mortgage . CB Insurance . The Corundum Group , Farmers & Stockmens Bank. For further info, please visit bancorp home page
Last Updated on June 7, 2022