Log in to Chinatrust India, New Delhi, India ‘s Internet Online Bank

You will find the log in to bank of Chinatrust India, New Delhi, India by log on to their website https://corporate.chinatrust.com/in/  The log in box is in the upper left corner of the page, under login. Simply enter your CUSTOMER ID, USER ID,PASSWORD and login to your account. 

Chinatrust Bank offers that you can register an account just visit their website’s link https://www.chinatrustindia.com/ and you’ll find all kinds of registration forms for different types of accounts, select your desired account, fill the form and submit for approval.


Chinatrust India, New Delhi, India
Chinatrust India, New Delhi, India

CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. provides banking and financial services. The Company offers deposits, loans, receivables, securities, cash equivalents, debt investments, and other banking services. CTBC Bank provides services for enterprises and individuals. Established in the year 1996 in New Delhi, CTBC Bank is an organization complying with the traditional Indian values of service to the community. CTBC Bank was first established in 1966, as China Securities Investment Corporation (CSIC), to facilitate the trading of stocks given to landlords as compensation for lands transferred to farmers during the government sponsored land reform program. During its existence, the Bank has undergone two reorganization schemes: changing its name to Chinatrust Investment Co., Ltd. in 1971 and later, transforming its operations to become the Chinatrust Commercial Bank in 1992. The growth of the Bank coincided with Taiwan’s economic developments and historical trends’, having experienced the formation and development of the country’s financial market and is closely related to it.

Last Updated on June 7, 2022

URL: https://log-in.me/chinatrustindia-newdelhi-india/