American Express Business ExtrAA Corporate Card,
Earn up to 6% in cash rebates for your business on the first $1,500,000 of eligible American Airlines airfare purchases made with the American Express Business Extra® Corporate Card.
Your company can get 4 Business Extra® points per $20.00 spent on the base airfare of eligible American Airlines flights and 1 Business Extra point per $20.00 spent on all eligible purchases.
Use your Business Extra® Corporate Card for your business expenses, and get a $50 Flight Discount for every $5,000 of eligible purchases—up to a maximum of $1,000 in Flight Discounts per Card Member per calendar year. Flight Discounts expire 365 days after they are sent by American Airlines.
How to login or to apply and register with American Express Business ExtrAA Corporate Card?
- Use this direct link:
- Use the above direct link whether you need to login or apply/register an account.
- For login, click on login in the upper right corner. Enter your username and password and login to your account.
- To register/apply, click on request a call, fill the form and you will be contacted by the customer services.
- Please check the following screenshot of American Express Business ExtrAA Corporate Card.

Last Updated on October 30, 2019