You will find the log in to your account with CareCredit® Credit Card by logging in to their website The log in box is in the upper right corner of the page under Login. Click o login and type your user name and password and then click on secure login.
CareCredit® Credit Card offers that you can register an account, from the same link mentioned above, then click on login which is located in upper right corner, then click on Register which is located under below the login box. You will spend a few minutes to fill the form, submit it online and have your account with CareCredit® Credit Card.
Once approved, you can use your CareCredit credit card again and again at participating health care providers. CareCredit approvals are usually immediate, so you can find out right away if you can pay for your medical services with CareCredit.
CareCredit cards can be used for medical procedures ranging from LASIK and vision care to dentistry, veterinary care, hearing care and more. To find the locations and providers near you who accept CareCredit cards, go to the CareCredit website, click on the “Find a Location” tab, and enter your city or zip code.
Although applying for CareCredit did result in a small credit scoring dip, you needn’t worry about long-term damage. Hard inquiries can only affect a credit score for up to a year. As long as you keep your other accounts in good standing, your credit score will quickly rebound.
A CareCredit card has a maximum credit limit of $25,000. For charges of $200 or more, CareCredit offers “no-interest” promotional periods of six, 12, 18 and 24 months, depending on the provider. However, CareCredit requires only that you make a minimum payment each month
Last Updated on November 6, 2019