You will find the log in to your account with Stephen F. Austin (SFA) Alumni Association Platinum Plus MasterCard with WorldPoints Rewards – from Bank of America by logging in to their website:
- The log in box is in the upper right corner of the page under sign in. Click on sign in and enter your user name and password and login to your account.
- You can register an account, from the home page, upper right corner. Click on Register and register your account with Stephen F. Austin (SFA) Alumni Association Platinum Plus MasterCard with WorldPoints Rewards – from Bank of America.
Alumni association is a member-based 501-c3 non-profit organization that is funded by membership dues, individual donations and income from fundraising activities and affinity partner programs. The financial support the association receives from Stephen F. Austin State University comes in the form of employee benefits and partial salaries. SFA Alumni Relations has a staff of eight full-time individuals, and three-to-five student workers who work as part of the alumni team.
While a majority of their alumni live in Texas, a great number of their Lumberjacks and Ladyjacks are scattered across the U.S. and abroad. More than 110,000 degrees have been awarded to students since the first graduating class in 1925. Currently, they have approximately 107,097 alumni in their database, and about 101,933 are living alumni. They have valid addresses for about 93,412 of the living alumni.
Organized in 1928, the SFA Alumni Association maintains an active office on campus to engage SFA students, alumni and friends to create an attitude of continued loyalty and support. Alumni association grows Lumberjack Pride! In addition to maintaining addresses of former students, the SFA Alumni Association sponsors a number of scholarships and awards, co-publishes along with the university the Sawdust magazine with issues in the Fall, Winter and Spring, and serves as a sponsor for the annual Homecoming weekend at the university.
Last Updated on October 17, 2019