You will find the log in to your account with Union State Bank Credit Cards (Alabama) by logging in to their website – The log in box is in the upper right corner of the site, under login. Click on login and enter your username and password and login to your account.
Union State Bank Credit Cards (Alabama) offers that you can register/apply for an account just at the bottom of the login box, Click on Enroll. Once you click on Enroll, you will be able to create an account with Union State Bank Credit Cards (Alabama).
If you would like to apply for any personal, business debit or credit cards that Union State Bank is offering, you can simply go to the home page, link provided above, and click on SERVICES in the main menu, hen click on CARDS, then choose personal personal or business. Whatever your choice is, you will find under each card, a button to apply and submit you application for approval, which will only takes a few minutes, In addition you will find available info under each card for your guidance, before applying.
The Union State Bank organized and received its Banking Charter from the State of Kansas in December of 1908. For the next century, USB served primarily the Arkansas City and Cowley County area with deposit and loan products for individuals, businesses and agricultural producers.
Since 1956, control of the bank and the holding company, Docking Bancshares, Inc., has resided with the Docking Family. Former Kansas Governor, Robert Docking, held the position of Chief Executive Officer from 1957-1983. Robert’s son, Bill Docking, took over the position in 1983. Currently, two Docking family members serve on the Union State Bank’s Board of Directors. Bill serves as Chairman of the Board, and Brian Docking, serves as Senior Vice-Chairman.
In 2006, Union State Bank and The State Bank of Winfield merged to form a larger and more diverse Union State Bank. Both banks were owned and operated by local families who had a vested interest in their respective communities and were similarly committed to local decision making,and the economic growth and development of the surrounding area. Steve McSpadden, whose family controlled The State Bank, continues to serve as Vice-Chairman of Union State.
Eric KurtzAfter 31 years of serving as Union State Bank’s CEO, Bill Docking handed the CEO position over to Eric Kurtz in February 2014. Eric had joined Union State Bank in 2009 as Chief Lending Officer and Executive Vice-President and in January 2011 was promoted to Corporate President. It was the first time since 1957 someone other than a Docking family member had held the CEO position. Bill’s role as Chairman of the Board allowed him more time to dedicate toward more strategic opportunities to the expanding presence of Union State Bank and Docking Bancshares,Inc.
Bank ownership and management had many Wichita and Oklahoma area business relationships. Expansion into both market areas seemed a natural “next step” for Union State Bank. In 2011 and 2014 respectively, Union State Bank expanded its brand by opening a Loan Production Office in East Wichita and Bartlesville, Oklahoma. In July of 2016, the Wichita East location was converted into a full-service branch. The Bartlesville location was converted into a full-service branch in 2019.
In July 2015, Union State Bank merged with RelianzBank, a single-location ‘boutique’ bank located on the West side of Wichita. Since Union State was looking to further expand its presence in the Wichita market with banks that share similar banking philosophies, the merger provided the perfect solution. David Harris, a veteran banker with over 30 years of experience, served as President/CEO of RelianzBank. Harris now serves as Union State Bank’s Kansas Regional President and is a member of the Board of Directors.
Union State Bank continues to grow, opening a Loan Production / Deposit Production Office in Edmond, Oklahoma in September of 2019. With over $300 million in total assets and ten locations, Union State Bank serves South Central Kansas and North Central Oklahoma with comprehensive banking solutions and expertise.
Union State provides a wide-range of financial products and services for individuals and businesses including checking, savings, loans and lines of credit, mortgages, credit cards, online services and investments.
Union State Bank has recently received national recognition as one of the top 200 Healthiest Bank in the Nation with an A+ Rating, according to, as well as a Bauer 5-Star Rated financial institution.
Last Updated on October 24, 2019