You will find the log in to your account with United Bank Business Visa (Alabama) by logging in to their website:
- The log in box is in the upper right corner of the site under online banking. Select the type of your account by clicking either on consumer/small business customers or by clicking on business/cash management customers. Enter your user name and password and login to your account.
- United Bank Business Visa (Alabama) offers that you can register an account by using the same link provided above then click on visa business application as the following screenshot shows.
- United Bank Business Visa (Alabama):
As a business professional in United Bank Business Visa community, they have found a way for your business to be able to track individual spending among your employees. It’s a hassle trying to keep up with what person spent how much and where, but with United Bank Business Visa Business Card there will be no more worries. With the Visa Business Card, you have enhanced benefits that will help you specifically in the workplace. After all, you probably understand better than anyone, it’s about working smarter, not harder!
To apply for a United Bank Business Visa, please print the application and bring it to your United Bank representative.

Last Updated on October 24, 2019