You will find the log in to bank of Credit Agricole, Montrouge, France by log on to their website The log in box is in the upper right corner of the page, under MON ESPACE. Click on MON ESPACE, enter your username, password and login to your account.
You can open an account by using the same provided above link, then click on OUVRIR UN COMPTE which is located in the upper right corner of the page, beside the MON ESPACE box, fill the form online, and submit it for approval.
OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT, Depending on your profile, your needs, your projects, find the bank account opening formula that suits you in this link ( The EKO offer : 1 card, 1 app, 1 agency for € 2 / month ) or The account to compose that adapts to your needs)
With 7,000 branches in France , 49,000 advisers, nearly 21 million customers Individuals, Professionals and companies trust Credit Agricole france to support them in their daily management needs, savings, insurance , financing …etc
What you need to prepare to open a bank account with Credit Agricole france, Documents to prepare to open your bank account in France: a valid official ID, proof of address. a specimen of your signature. As part of the offer EKO you need a 2nd piece of official ID valid.
Once your bank account is open you will have:
The application My Bank to manage your budget wherever you are
a bank account to pay / collect money towards a third party
a monthly electronic PDF account statement
the support of your Crédit Agricole Advisor
offers from your Regional Fund
Are you still hesitating? Choosing Crédit Agricole means benefiting from a bank:
Digital : thanks to the website of your Regional Caisse or the My Bank application stay connected to your bank.
Cooperative and close to your region : 39 Regional Banks participate in the development of your region, boost the local economy.
Close to its customers : more than 10 million member customers participate in the life and management of their bank locally. One rule: 1 man, 1 vote.
Do you want to transfer your accounts to Crédit Agricole?
With the bank mobility assistance service , you can rest easy and waste less time on administrative chores. You can automatically group all your banking transactions into your new Crédit Agricole account. Your adviser will tell you about it.
Meet him now in your agency
Are you already a customer, and following a move do you have to change your Regional Fund?
Call 31 21 , toll-free number available Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. regional Caisse change assistance service will put you in touch with the agency closest to your new home and will ensure continuity of service wherever you go.

Last Updated on June 7, 2022