The website is only available in French language, you can use Google translate to switch to any other languages. To do this, place the mouse/cursor on a blank space on the page, then click on the right mouse button and choose translate to English or any other language of your choice.
You will find the log in to bank of Credit Lyonnais, Paris, France by log on to their website The log in box is in the upper right corner of the page, under Mon Espace which is in English translation My Space, Click on it and enter your username, access code and choose your account type whether individual or professional oe e.L.C.L. and login to your account. Please check the following screenshot for your guidance.
You can open an account by using the same above link, then click on J’ouvre un compte which is in English language I open an account. Answer the questions by selecting the account type, whether individual or joint, and if you need an overdraft authorization and whether or not you need an immediate debit, or differed debit, then click submit. Then you select open an LCT ESSENTIAL ACCOUNT, OR click on open an LCL A LA CARTE ACCOUNT. Then you will move to the other step, which is to fill a form wit your personal details and go with the process online, till you submit the form for approval after filling the necessary details required by Credit Lyonnais bank.

Last Updated on June 8, 2022