How to login to Daisan Bank?
You will find the log in to Daisan Bank by log on to their website – the website is offered in Japanese. To translate to English language or any other language, use Google translate. To do this, place the cursor/mouse in any blank space on the page, click the mouse right button, select the language to choose your language.
The log in box is in the main page of the site. enter your membership number, pin and login to your account with Daisan Bank.
You can open an account by visiting the website and you’ll be provided with information or contact the bank for further inquiry about opening an account at Daisan Bank, Matsusaka, Japan.
About opening a third bank account
You can apply for a third bank account (general account or savings account) and “Direct Banking” at the same time.
Regarding accounts, it is also possible to issue only a cash card without issuing a passbook.
However, those who fall below cannot apply:
Already have an account at Third Bank
Outside the business area of the Third Bank
Junior high school students and below
Foreigners visiting Japan
Daisan bank will contact you by phone for information about the person who applied.
If you cannot reach the telephone number of the delivery due to non-arrival of the mail, it may have been opened regardless of the applicant’s intention, so it is unavoidable to cancel the account and direct banking application you may get it.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022