How to login to Danske Bank Lithuania?
To login to Danske Bank Lithuania, visit their website front page – Click on Danske eBank which is located in the upper right corner. Enter your user ID, then select the security means, which is the security device. Select to log with pin generate, or mobile, or ID card or E-signature then press enter to login to your account.

What is user id?
User ID: User name specified in the section “User ID” of your Danske eBank contract. It is an invariable unique collection of symbols designed to identify you within the system.
What is Authentication token (digipass)?
Authentication token (digipass): It is a device intended for identification of users in Danske eBank system, which complies with the highest security requirements and ensures an unlimited number of different passwords.
These means must be kept in secure places. Should you loose the pin generator, please contact Danske Bank Contact center by phone at 1636 (from outside Lithuania +370 5 215 6666).
How can I pay online using the Danske eBank system?
Upon filling the goods cart or selecting services please select Danske eBank as the method of payment.
You will be automatically directed to the Danske eBank payment module.
Upon registration you will see a filled-in bank payment order – just sign it and send to the bank.
The bank will immediately inform the trader about whether the transfer was successful or not. The trader will ship the goods or provide the services on receipt of a confirmation of successful transfer.
What is required in order to make payments online?
In order to make payments online you must have an account with Danske Bank and be registered as the user of Danske eBank.
For internet salesmen Danske bank suggests their service for e-commerce portals, Danske Click.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022