How to login to Danske Bank Norway?
To login to Danske bank Norway, go to their website home page , click on the Logg inn box, which is located in the upper right corner of the home page. Select the type pf account you have with Danske bank Norway. Enter your user ID, password and login to your account.

Some useful information, about using the internet banking services of Danske Bank Norway:
What is the Danske bank’s SWIFT address?
Danske Bank’s SWIFT address is: dabano22
To receive a payment from abroad, you must enter a SWIFT address. It tells you which bank you are a customer in. The SWIFT address is the same as BIC (Bank Identifier Code), ABA number or Routing number. It is not the same as the IBAN number.
The abbreviation SWIFT stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. It is a computer network that exchanges payment data between 8,300 financial institutions in 208 countries.
When transferring to the United States via the online bank, please note the following:
You can find the bank code by clicking on ‘bank details’ under the BIC / SWIFT address.
Remember to enter ‘FW’ in front of the US bank code.
If you do not have a SWIFT address, you will be charged a fee of NOK 80. You can use the address: BOFAUS3N instead.
Where can I find my Danske bank IBAN number?
You can find IBAN for your account in the online bank:
Log in to the online bank and go to ‘Account overview’
Click on the account you want the IBAN number for
Click the ‘Terms’ tab
See IBAN account number
In order to receive a payment from abroad, you must provide the IBAN number in your account.
The IBAN number is your international account number and indicates which account you want the money deposited into. IBAN stands for International Banking Account Number and is not the same as SWIFT and BIC, which indicates your bank and not the account. With IBAN, you obtain a higher security for the amount to be paid or received, as quickly as possible through the banking systems. That’s because, for example. that IBAN is built in the same way all over the world. Danske bank therefore recommends that you use IBAN, but this is not a requirement.
How do I transfer money abroad?
Log in to the online bank:
Go to ‘Pay abroad
Fill in the fields and click ‘Next’
Enter recipient information, click ‘OK’
Enter security code and personal password and click ‘OK’
The transfer is now registered
How much does it cost?
The price of a transfer abroad depends, among other things, on:
Type of transmission. Whether it is a standard transfer, express transfer, transfer to your own account in the Danske Bank Group or a check
Whether you or the recipient pay the fees in the recipient bank
A transfer abroad is when you transfer money from your account to an account in another country. This also applies when there is an account in one of the Danske Bank Group’s banks abroad.
How do I create a new account?
You create new accounts in the online bank:
Log in to the online bank and go to ‘New account’
Choose the type of account you want to create
Once you have selected an account, click on ‘Order’ and fill in the fields
Sign with BankID
How much does it cost?
Creating an account is free when you are already a customer with Danske Bank.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022