How to login to Diamond Bancorp, US?
To login to Diamond Bancorp, go to the website’s home page – the login box is located in the upper right corner of the home page, under online logins. Enter your username, password and login to your account.

How to register an account for online banking access services with Diamond bank?
In order to have access to use online banking services on Diamond bank website, go to the home page, link provided above. under online logins, which is located in the upper right corner, click on Enroll now. Then click on I agree and this is for your agreement on the Diamond bank policy terms, before proceeding. Before You get started make sure you have the following items.
-Your account number at Diamond bank bank. -Your Social Security number (SSN). -The email address on file with Diamond bank. Tax ID.
If your enrollment application is accepted, you will receive a confirmation email. You must confirm your identity through a link that will be sent to you by the Diamond bank email. You must access this link from the same computer and browser you used to fill out the enrollment application. If you would rather not provide this information you can still become an online banking user by visiting your local branch. By clicking “I agree”, you agree to all terms and conditions found in the Online Banking Agreement accessible via the link directly below this box on the bank’s website. Then all you need to do, is to fill the form/application and submit it for approval.
Important note published on the bank’s website:
All Diamond bank locations/branches, have closed their lobby access, until further notice. All banking business will be conducted through the Drive-Thru Lanes Only. Lending, New Accounts, CDs/IRAs and safe deposit box needs will be handled by appointment only. If you are experiencing financial difficulties during this time, please contact your local lender through this link – They are there to assist and help you.
Are you eligible to use Diamond Mobile Banking?
Yes, you are eligible to use Diamond Mobile banking, as long as you are already enrolled in Diamond bank’s online banking service. You won’t be able to use Diamond bank mobile banking services, unless to enroll first, meaning to register an account as explained above.
Keeping up with your accounts has never been easier! Sign up for Diamond Bank mobile banking and easily keep track of your accounts using: Diamond Bank’s Mobile Banking App (Apple or Android). Text Message Alerts. Online Mobile Website and much more. Here is another link – that will help you in learning teh step by step instructions to get enrolled in Diamond online banking.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022