How to login to Discover Financial Services?
To login to Discover Financial Services, here is the link to the online banking. just copy and paste in your browser then press enter – The login box is in the upper right corner of the page. Click on login, select the type of your account, enter your user ID, password and login to your account.
How to register for online banking with Discover Financial Services?
To register for online banking services with Discover Financial Services, here is the link to the online banking. just copy and paste in your browser then press enter – The login box is in the upper right corner of the page. Click on login, then click on register now. Fill the form and submit it for approval.

How to open an account with Discover Financial Services?
To open an account with Discover Financial Services, here is the link to the online banking. just copy and paste in your browser then press enter – YOu will find the open an account box, in the upper right corner of the page. Click on open an account, then select the account type that suits you. Fill the bank application and answer few questions during the process, and submit the application for approval.
Some useful information about Discover Financial Services products and online banking services
Can I manage my accounts using the Discover Mobile App?
You can manage your Credit Card, Personal Loan and Online Banking accounts using the mobile app. Download the app by texting APP to DISCOV (347268). Message and data rates may apply.
What happens if the U.S. mail service gets disrupted and you don’t receive my payment?
To avoid late or missed payments if mail delivery is disrupted, it is recommended paying your Discover® bill online.
Log in to your Discover® account
Click on “Make a Payment” from the home page
Select “Manage Bank Accounts” and “Add Account”
Complete the fields with your bank’s routing and account numbers
Select “Add Account” when finished
Once you add a bank account, you can schedule payments in advance or set up recurring payments so you have one less thing to worry about.
How can I keep my Discover® Credit and Debit cards clean when I use them in stores?
The best way to keep your card clean is to keep it in your control and minimize contact with other surfaces. How can you do that?
Add your credit and debit card to your mobile wallet, like Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Samsung Pay, to pay in stores using just your phone, without ever touching the payment terminal.
What happens to my student loan application if the classes I planned to pay for with my pending loan are cancelled?
You can leave your loan application open for up to 150 days, from the date you applied, if you think you may still need funds. If your application isn’t finalized at that time, it is automatically cancelled. Also note that your school will only certify the amount that you may need and are eligible for.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022