How to login to East Asia Holding Bank BEA?
To login to East Asia Holding Bank, BEA, go to their home page’s website The login box is located in the upper right corner of the home page, under login to Cyber-banking, select the type of service that best matches with your account type. If you need to login to your account. Click on select service, then select cyber-banking. Enter your account no./username, personal identification no/pin and login to your account.

How to get in contact with BEA for any/general inquiries?
If you would like to get in contact with BEA, please visit their Inquiry page and here is the link You can get in contact with BEA by email, phone, or visit by setting an appointment. All contact info details are provided in the page link provided above.
How to apply online for different services with BEA?
To apply for different services with BEA, go to their forms download page, and here is the link where you will find different application services to download, fill and submit for approval, such as : Application for Documentary Credit – Application for Amendment to Documentary Credit – Pledge and Trust Receipt – Application for Shipping Guarantee / Endorsement of Transport Documents – Application for Import Finance Loan – Application for Bank Guarantee / Standby Letter of Credit – Application for Processing Export Transaction – Letter of Indemnity – Letter of Indemnity for Packing Loan – Application for Transfer of Documentary Credit – Application for Export Loan – Application for Advance Against USD Cheques / Drafts.
What is the Internet browser and settings recommended by BEA?
Please use the latest version of the bank’s recommended internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari). For Internet Explorer, version 9 or above supports TLS 1.2. Enable TLS 1.2 in Internet Options.
What is Cyber-banking?
Cyber-banking is an innovative and integrated banking service. With this service, you can operate your accounts via various electronic channels including the Internet, mobile phone, PDA, phone, and ATM channels. You can manage your finances and make account inquiries and fund transfer anytime, anywhere.
How do I manage various electronic channels under the service?
The operations for various electronic channels are very easy and simple. Each channel (Internet, phone, mobile phone, and ATM) has its own personal identification number (“PIN”) for access. Upon account opening, an initial PIN will be issued to you for the first access to individual electronic channels. You can just use a unique Private Banking/SupremeGold/Supreme/
For Credit Card and Revolving Loan Account, you can set the Phone PIN for related Customer Services Hotlines and request for the ATM PIN during card activation. This Phone PIN will also be used as the initial PIN for logging in to the Cyber-banking internet service.
For the sake of security, you are required to change the PIN for the first access to individual channels. On the other hand, you are also advised to change the PINs from time to time for your protection.
What should I do if I want to use Cyber-banking?
You can enjoy the service by opening a Cyber-banking account at any one of BEA branches. If you are an account holder of SupremeGold Account, Supreme Account, or i-Account, you are automatically entitled to the service. If you are the holder of BEA Credit Card or Revolving Loan Account, you can use the Phone PIN for related Customer Services Hotlines to log in to Cyber-banking with the account number for the first time.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022