How to login to Ecobank Cape Verde?
You will find the log in to the Internet bank of Ecobank Cape Verde when logging to their website The log in box is in the upper right corner of the site, simply click on ECOBANK ONLINE then enter your USER ID, password and login to your account.
How to open a bank account with Ecobank Cape Verde, Praia?
You can open an account with ECOBANK Cape, by clicking on OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT, which is located in the home page upper right side, under the login box. Click on open a bank account, fill the form/application and submit it for approval or deliver it to the Ecobank nearest branch.
How to make money transfers with Ecobank Cape Verde?
Making money transfers is very simple and easy from your account with Ecobank to others banks or to move your money withing your accounts.
To transfer money within your country, choose these tabs – Unless you have previously created a template for the same type of transfer, select Make New Payment. Choose which account you’d like to take the funds from. Fill in the account details of the recipient carefully – Ecobank cannot be responsible for any errors you make. Enter the amount, currency and when you’d like the money to be transferred
Complete a few further details, including who should be responsible for Correspondence Charges. When you’ve checked all the details, click on where it says “here” to carry out the transaction.
What is Ecobank Retail Internet Banking?
It is an online banking solution using the latest internet and security technologies to help take control of your finances. This solution is a secure, efficient and convenient banking tool at your fingertips. Ecobank uses Secure Access, an online security initiative designed to make your online banking even safer and give you peace of mind.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022