How to login to my account with Ecobank Ghana?
You will find the log in to the Internet bank of Ecobank Ghana Limited, Accra, Ghana by log on to their website – The log in box is in the upper right corner of the site, simply click on ECOBANK ONLINE then enter your USER ID, password and login to your account
How to open my account with Ecobank Ghana?
To open an account with Ecobank Ghana, please use the same provided above link. Click on open a bank account. Gp with teh process online by filling a form, and submit it for approval. Or, if you prefer to pay a visit to the bank, you can all all procedure at the bank’s nearest branch to your location.
How can I check my account balance in Ghana Ecobank?
There are several methods how to get your account balance details. There is a quick USSD code that works on your phone. It is 3260# or you can get this information at the ATM point.
How do I activate Ecobank Mobile Banking?
Type Ecobank Mobile, find the app, then click Install. Once the app is installed, exit the app store. To launch the app, click on the Ecobank Mobile icon on your mobile phone. To verify your mobile device, dial *326# using your registered number and perform a PIN change.
Who owns Ecobank Ghana?
Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (ETI), a public limited liability company, was established as a bank holding company in 1985 under a private sector initiative spearheaded by the Federation of West African Chambers of Commerce and Industry with the support of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
What is the mission and vision of Ecobank?
Ecobank has a dual mission: to build a world class African Bank and to contribute to the economic and financial development of the African continent. The bank has consistently delivered superior shareholder returns and invested in building African capacity.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022