How to login to my account with Ehime Bank?
You will find the log in to Ehime Bank, Japan by log on to their website which is available in Japanese language only. You can use Google translate to get the website translated in any language you want. Click on a blank space on the page with the right mouse button and choose translate to English or any other language. from the menu that appears and the page will be translated to English or whatever language you choose. The log in box is at the bottom left side of the site, as the following screenshot shows. Enter your username, password and login to your account.
How to open an account with Ehime bank?
To open an account with Ehime Bank, use the same above provided link, then click on opening an account according to the following screenshot. You need to fill a form and submit it for approval.
Useful information about Ehime bank
Ehime Bank Ltd. is active in the banking and financial services business of Ehime City, Iwatinga Prefecture, Japan and is a member of the Bank of Iwate Group and a subsidiary of Ibagin Bank, Inc. (Ibagin Bank). It offers a wide range of financial services – centered banking, including credit and debit cards, credit cards and other financial products and services, as well as insurance and insurance products.
The bank has branches and special ATMs only in the prefectures of the region. So if you’re going to Japan, make sure you’re pulling out enough money to survive your trip.
Ehime Bank Ltd. is a regional bank based in Japan, providing mainly financial services. Such accounts are accounts set up by domestic credit institutions to receive deposits, make payments on behalf of foreign financial institutions or to process other financial transactions for foreign financial institutions.
Based in Ehime prefecture, Ehime Bank has a network of more than 100 locations mostly in its home prefecture and assets of about ¥2,600 billion. Shares are traded on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Group companies are engaged in leasing and other activities associated with the core banking business. There is also an equity-method subsidiary that makes venture capital and other investments.
The Ehime Bank Group is dedicated to serving as a bank with deep roots in its home region in order to help energize this region and play a part in supporting the economy of Japan.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022