How to login to my account with bank of Emprise?
Login to your account with bank of Emprise Financial Corporation by visiting their their website’s home page:
The log in box is in the upper right corner of the site, click on login, select the type of account you have with Emprise bank, whether personal, business or visa credit card login. Enter your user id, password and login to your account.
How to register for online services access with Emprise Financial Corporation?
To register for online services access visit the website home page (link provided above). Click on the log in box which is in the upper right corner of the site, click on Enroll now. Fill the necessary data and submit it for approval.
How to open an account with Emprise bank?
Visit the home page of Emprise bank (link provided above), click on open account now, which is located in the upper right corner of the home page, beside the login box. Fill the form with required data and submit it for approval. Or visit the nearest branch close to you and do all the process at the bank.

What is the phone number of Emprise bank’s customer service?
Emprise phone number CUSTOMER SERVICE: 855.383.4301
What is the routing number of Emprise bank?
ROUTING NUMBER of Emprise bank is: 101100579
Useful information about Emprise bank
Emprise Bank’s main goal is to exceed expectations and to offer customers a reason to continue to choose their institution. Emprises Bank, whose roots date back to 1910, has more than 1,000 employees and over 1.5 million square metres of office space.
Driven by a strong set of values known as “The Emprise Way,” their dynamic and passionate team combines innovation and service to deliver effective financial instruments and trusted advice. These tools are tailored to individual customer needs and include a wide range of financial products and services as well as the latest financial services technology from FIS.
As a global leader in financial services technology, F IS embeds the world’s most advanced financial technology solutions in the banking, insurance and investment industries. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, FIS employs more than 55,000 people worldwide and has been or is Chief Technology Officer for over 100 financial services companies. Providing technology that empowers the financial world, F IS is a Fortune 500 company and the world’s largest provider of financial technology services to the insurance, insurance and investment industries.
Emprise Bank is a Kansas name known for its high quality banking services and strong customer service. Headquartered in Wichita, the private bank has 40 locations in 20 communities across the state.
In return for their hard work, team members enjoy a friendly, positive work environment in which employees feel ownership and are rewarded for their efforts. Other benefits and benefits include access to the world of banking – first-class customer service and banking services. All their employees and the entire Emprise Bank team are instilled in a culture of commitment to customer service.
Although Emprise Bank does not offer the best tiered interest rates on its money market accounts, it does give you more liquidity. You will also receive all the free features associated with a bank savings account, including mobile deposits.
In addition, Emprise Bank waives the $5 monthly service fee if you maintain an average daily balance of $250. In addition, you will also be waived the 2.5% monthly fee for withholding an average monthly balance of $2,500 and the 1% interest rate on your monthly deposit.
The Youth Savings Accounts at Emprise Bank are designed for customers under 21 years of age and do not include any minimum monthly fees. Like the regular savings account, the Youth Savings Account offers 1.5% interest on your monthly deposit of up to $2,500 and a 0.1% deposit rate on an average monthly balance of $1,000. Em Enterprise Bank offers CD accounts for checking, saving and deposit confirmations.
The bank offers high interest on its Kasasa savings accounts if all conditions are met and you are tied to a reward – the purchase of a current account.
The history of Emprise Bank begins in 1910 with the purchase of Stockyards National Bank by W.A. Michaelis Jr. and his family. The family moved to Kansas so he could pursue his doctorate in mechanical engineering at Wichita State University. In 1965, he bought National Bank, owned by Sierra Petroleum Co., Inc. for $10,000.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022