How to login to my account with Europe Arab Bank?
To login to your account with Europe Arab Bank, go to their website home page The login box is in teh upper right corner of the home page, under Online banking. Click on Online Banking, enter your user name and enter the number you see in the image, then click next.

How to register an account for online banking services access with Europe Arab Bank?
To register an account with Europe Arab Bank for online banking services access. Please do the same steps mentioned above for the login and use the same above provided link. After you click on online banking, you will see a login box and registration box. Click on the registration box. You are asked if Not registered and would like to complete the subscription form? Click on Click here. You need to fill the form and submit it online for approval.
useful tips about using the internet banking Services of Europe Arab Bank
In addition to the strict security measures Europe Arab Bank’s Internet & Mobile Banking Services apply, you can also protect your privacy and account information by reading and following the below listed tips.
To help protecting yourself against security threats, make sure that your PC or devise you use to access the internet has an up to date operating system, internet browser and plug-ins including the recent update Microsoft released to fix the security vulnerability on its Internet Explorer versions 6 to 11. For more information on Microsoft Internet Explorer vulnerability, please visit Microsoft’s Website.
Make sure that you have a trusted and up to date Anti-Virus software installed on your PC or any device you use to access the Internet banking Service “Arabi Online”.
It is also advisable to install a Firewall Software on your PC to protect your PC against intruders, virus attacks or malicious programs.
In addition to the above, kindly read the below listed tips to ensure utmost privacy and confidentiality of your Electronic Banking experience.
Select a user name and password that are difficult for others to guess. Do not associate your password with anything personal such as birthdays, names, phone numbers or other familiar words or numbers. Choose password that contains letters, numbers and special characters.
Change your password on a regular basis.
Keep your personal and / or banking information (e.g. User name, password, Credit card number,… etc) confidential. Your PIN / Password should be memorized and not recorded anywhere.
Avoid accessing the Internet / Mobile Banking Service from Internet Cafes or public places.
You should always be careful when receiving unsolicited emails asking you to disclose any personal or banking details. Arab Bank plc will never ask you for such details (e.g. User name, password, Credit card number,… etc) through email. If you receive such a request, do not respond and please report it to the Europe Arab Bank immediately.
To access Arab Banks Internet Banking Service, use the Logon button on the homepage of your Country website.
Whenever you log on to Internet BankingMobile banking, verify the last access date & time displayed at the left corner on the top of the page.
Always remember to log out using the “Log Off” and never leave the PCsmart Device unattended when logged on.
When logging on to Arab Bank Internet Banking site, look for the Security Certificate before entering the User name & Password. To view the security certificate, click on the “lock” icon next to the URL if you are using Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.
Check your account balances and statements regularly to ensure your accounts have not been accessed by anyone else and to identify any unusual transactions. If you want Europe Arab Bank to alert you whenever a transaction takes place on your account / Credit Card, you can register for their SMS Banking Service.
Be ware of emails offering you the chance to make easy money in exchange of services & / or using your account to transfer large amounts to. Do business only with companies / individuals you know and trust.
Keep your smart device operating system up to date as newer versions may contain security updates which will protect you against virus and intruder attacks.
Keep your Arabi Mobile application up to date while using the service if a new version is available.
Avoid using Arabi Mobile service from jailbroken or rooted phones as they will be more susceptible to security risks.
Never leave your smart device unattended when logged on, and always lock it when not in use. It is recommended that you set a passcode which will protect your information.
Only download Arabi Mobile and any other applications from official app stores, such as apple iTunes, Google Play store or other official app stores.
If possible, Install security software on your smart device to further protect it from potential threats. Do not use your smart device to store sensitive personal information or any login credentials. If you wish to report an electronic fraud attempt, please call Europe Arab Bank’s Customer care center or fill The Europe Arab Bank’s contact form on their website.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022