How to login to my account with First Bancorp, Lebanon?
You will find the log in to First Bancorp, Lebanon, by log on to their website The log in box is in the upper right corner of the site, simply enter your user ID, password and then click on login. (Check the following screenshot). Enter your username to access your First Bank accounts online. You will put in your password on the next screen, after clicking “Log In” .
How to register an account for online banking access with First Bancorp, Lebanon?
Don’t have an online banking account? Sign up to register an account with First bank, it is very easy and simple steps.
You can register an account for online banking access by clicking on ENROLL, which under the login box, as it shows in the following screenshot. All you need to do is to go with the process online, fill a form and submit it for approval.
More about how to register an account with First bank
After you click on enroll or sign up in order to be able to use the online banking services of First bank, click on enroll today, after you select whether enroll for business or personal account. Whether you select personal or business, you will be asked to fill an application and submit it online for approval.
Enroll in digital banking
It is a simple and safe way to check your account balances, pay bills, transfer funds and much more! Please choose the category of digital banking in which you would like to enroll: Digital Banking for Personal and DBA Clients
You’ll have everything you need to manage your finances.
Personal banking and DBA business clients can enroll with their social security number and date of birth at the link located on the First bank’s page.
Enroll Today
Digital Banking for Business Clients
Online banking for business is an internet-based cash management system. To use online banking, an eligible business must complete, sign and date the online banking enrollment form. (If the PDF document does not open, right‑click on the button and select “Save target as…” to save the document to your computer.)
Last Updated on June 8, 2022