How to login to my account with First Central International Bank?
You will find the log in to First Central International Bank, by log on to their website please check the following screenshot, which shows how to login to your account, by clicking at the bottom of the page on online banking. Click on access first link according to the following screenshot.

After you click on online banking/access first link, you will have 3 options to login, depends on the account type you have with First Central International Bank.

After clicking on the right bank account, enter your username, password and login to your account.
Why is First Central Bank changing its Online Banking platform?
First Central International Bank wants to provide their customers with an online banking platform that is user friendly and easy to navigate. Bill Pay has been integrated onto the home page, along with the opportunity to categorize your transactions and create spending reports. The new platform allows First Central International Bank to offer additional features, such as real-time notifications, fingerprint login for Mobile Banking, and the ability to view check and deposit images in the app. More new features are coming soon too!
Will my old username and password work on the new platform?
Your username will be the same, but it will be in all lowercase. Your initial password will be fcb followed by the last four digits of your Social Security number or Tax ID (for example fcb1234). You will be prompted to change your password after your initial log in.
If I used Bill Pay in the old system, will I need to retype all my vendors or recurring payments into the new system?
All of your current Bill Pay information will transfer over to the new First Link Online Banking platform. It uses the same vendor (Check Free) as the old platform.
Will I have Mobile Banking access?
To use FirstLink Mobile Banking (the app or through your device’s web browser), you will be required to enroll in Mobile Banking. You will be prompted during the initial login process. Please follow the prompts to receive the up-to-date browser link and/or app. You will also have to accept the Terms and Conditions.
Why do I have to answer new security questions, and why are they so random?
The purpose of security questions is to increase security and decrease fraud. For your protection, you will be prompted to answer three random security questions with answers that are less likely to be compromised from social media sites or other online outlets. First Central Bank highly discourages using the same answer for each question. The answers you create for your security questions will not be case sensitive.
Can I enroll in FirstLink Online Banking using my mobile device?
The answer is Yes. You will now be able to enroll in FirstLink Online Banking using your device’s web browser or the FirstLink Online Banking app found in Apple Store or Google Play. There are two apps available. Arapahoe, Cambridge, and Edison customers need to use the app titled First Central Bank. McCook and Curtis customers need to select the app titled First Central Bank McCook.
Why do I need to know my account number to enroll in FirstLink Online Banking? Why do I need to provide my Social Security number?
The new enrollment method will instantly send you your temporary password. Requiring that you know your account number and Social Security number is how FCB verify your identity and prevent unauthorized access to your accounts. As the site and the app are secured and encrypted, your data is protected.
If you have further questions, or if you have trouble signing in to FirstLink Online Banking on the new platforms, please don’t hesitate to contact your First Central Bank location.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022