How do I login to my account with First Michigan bank?
In order to login to your account with First Michigan Bank, visit their website’s home page Click on online banking, which is located on the right side upper corner of the home page. Type your online user ID and click submit. If you want to log in with credit card id, it is right beside the search box and online banking located in upper right corner of teh home page. Enter your user id, password and login to your account with First Michigan Bank.

Where is the app of First National bank available?
The app is available on all mobile devices that have access to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. This includes iPads and other tablet devices, and iPod touches. The app is free to download.
How do I find the app?
On the app store search “First National Bank of Michigan”. On the Google Play Store, search “FirstMobile”.
Do I have to have a debit card to access the app?
You do not have to have a debit card to access the app. The app uses the same system as your online banking (NetTeller). The only requirement for using this app is an active online banking account. To sign up for online banking, contact one of First Michigan bank’s branch representatives.
Steps to start Using the First National Bank of Michigan Mobile App:
Download the app to your device. Click the “Log In” button at the bottom of the screen.
Log in with your Online Banking ID and password where it says: “First Mobile ID” and “First Mobile Password.”
Agree to the terms and conditions, and click “Continue.
If you wish to receive text alerts for account activity, turn that feature on. You must enter your phone number and service provider. The app will not send you text alerts if you do not sign up for them. Click “Continue.
That’s all! You are ready to use the primary features of mobile banking.
Can I make deposits with the app?
Yes, you can deposit checks with the app, its as simple as snapping a picture of the front and back of the check!
When will mobile deposits become available for use?
Mobile deposits will post the next business day if deposited through the app by 5 p.m. on the prior business day, just as if a deposit was made in one of the bank’s branches. If there is an issue with the image of the check, there may be a delay in posting. Deposits will show up as DDA REGULAR DEPOSIT in online banking and on your statement. After a deposit has been made, you will receive a confirmation email from letting you know the deposit has been approved.
Are there deposit limits with the app?
There are no limits set up for depositing through the app. Any amount of checks at any dollar limit can be deposited.
For further services and products, please visit the First Michigan Bank, visit their website’s home page
Last Updated on June 8, 2022