How to login to my account with F & M Bancorporation?
To login to your account with F&M, go to their website the login box is in the upper right corner of the page under Login. Enter you online banking ID, and login to your account.

How to register for online banking services access?
To register for online banking access with F & M Bank, use the same link provided above for the login. Click on Enroll in online banking, upper right corner of the page and located under the login box. Enter your social security number, or your EIN and ITIN are also accepted. Your account number, email, phone, then click next and go with the process online.
How do I open an account with F & M Bank?
To open an account with F & M Bank, Fill out an application online and visit one of their branches to complete the process. Here is the link for the online form that you need to fill and submit it online
What documents do I need to provide for account opening ?
You need to bring the following Documents to open an account:
Proof of name and street address, date of birth, and a photocopy of your driver’s license or passport.
U.S. persons, please bring your social security number. Foreign persons, please bring your passport number and country of issuance.
If you need additional documentation to support your physical address, you may bring a voter registration card or vehicle title. If these items are not available, please contact F & M bank for other documentation commonly accepted.
For business accounts – Please bring along the documentation listed above for any party with 25% or more equity interest in the business.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022