How to login to my account with F & M bank?
You will find the log in to F & M Financial Corporation by log on to their website The log in box is in the upper right corner of the page, upper right corner under Online banking. Enter your user ID, password and login to your account.

How to register for online banking access with F & M bank?
To register for F & M online banking services access, use the same provided link above. Under online banking box, click on ENROLL. Please read the F&M ONLINE ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT by clicking on the link as shown on their page. The agreement includes disclaimers of liability and other matters of interest to you. After reading the agreement you will select “Return”which will bring you back to the page. You will then select “I agree” at the bottom of the page, if you agree to the terms and conditions of the F&M Online Agreement. You will then continue to complete the application for enrollment. If you select “I do not agree” you will be returned to the F&M Bank home page.
The use of F&M Online Banking services constitutes your agreement to the terms of the Online Banking Agreement and Disclosure and consent to electronic delivery of Electronic Records as set forth in this Agreement.
To complete your enrollment you will need the following items.
- Account number
- Social Security or Tax ID number
- The email address on file with your account
- Date of Birth
If your enrollment application is accepted, you will then have to confirm your identity through a link in the confirmation email that you will receive. Please note: You must access this link from the same computer and browser that was used for enrollment. If you have any problem completing the enrollment, please contact a Customer Service Representative at 704-279-7291.
Online banking with F & M bank
The convenience of 24-hour Online Banking means you can securely manage your accounts and put Online Bill Pay to work for you anywhere you have an Internet connection. And with the ability to customize the look of both Online Banking and Bill Pay, you’ll look forward to logging on!
Online Banking
If you’ve never tried Online Banking, now is the perfect time to find out why so many people love it. Here are just a few things you can do:
Access and manage all your accounts: checking, savings, money market, line of credit, mortgage and loans.
Download information to your personal accounting software.
View and print images of your checks or statements.
Transfer funds between F&M Bank accounts.
Create custom alerts for both financial and personal events.
Online Bill Pay
Why use Online Bill Pay? Not only will you save on stamps, but you can click through a stack of bills in just minutes! Other benefits:
Pay bills whenever you want, from wherever you want.
Set up your own list of payees with F&M BANK secure system.
Schedule one-time or recurring payments from any of your checking accounts.
Send money to individuals with Person-to-Person Payments.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022