Since June 24, 2019, the company of (formerly) Düsseldorfer Hypothekenbank AG is now DHB Verwaltungs AG. This against the background that on the basis of a spin-off and takeover agreement concluded between Aareal Bank AG, Wiesbaden, and DHB, the assets and liabilities attributable to DHB’s banking business were transferred to Aareal Bank. Furthermore, all rights and obligations associated with the transferred assets from DHB’s contractual relationships with third parties have been transferred to Aareal Bank by way of universal succession.
How to login to my account with Aareal bank?
To login to your account with Aareal bank, go to their website Click on portal-login, which is located in the upper right corner of the home page. Select the type of account you have with Aareal bank. Aareal portal or Aareal account deposits. Enter your client logon, user ID, password ad log on to your account. The website is available in English language, if you want to choose other languages than the website original language.
Aareal Bank is a leading international provider of financing solutions and services, particularly in the real estate industry. Whether office buildings, hotels, shopping centers or logistics and residential properties, whether in North America, Asia or Europe: with customized and flexible solutions, they support their customers in financing their international property investments. With the most modern banking and software solutions as well as innovative digital services, they enable their customers to do business efficiently and service-oriented management of your properties in Europe.
Aareal bank also is networking the real estate industry with neighboring industries. Decisive factors for their success are global expertise and long-term, close cooperation with the industry, local experts and our customers. Because they look beyond the traditional banking business, they can assess significant developments, opportunities and risks early and reliably and implement these findings particularly quickly.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022