You will find the log in to the Internet bank of Oman Arab Bank, Ruwi, Oman by logging onto their website. The log in box is in the upper right corner of the site. At the home page and it is marked in blue with OAB Online. Just put the cursor on the OAB Online, you will get personal and business accounts, select your account with the bank and you will get the login box to enter your password and user name and PIN number if available.
Besides logging into Oman Arab Bank, Ruwi, Oman , you might also be able to register a new account with Oman Arab Bank, Ruwi, Oman . Many sites like Oman Arab Bank, Ruwi, Oman offer that you can register an account just below of the home page, you will find icons whether you would like to open an account or get a loan or get a card or grow your business, click on the icon that matches with your request and go with the process step by step.
Last Updated on June 9, 2022