You will find the log in to the Internet bank of BRED, Paris, France by log on to their website – You will find the website in French language only. You can so easily translate any page by using the Google translate service. Click on a blank space in the page with the right mouse button and choose translate to English from the menu that appears and the page will be translated to English. The log in box is in the main page of the site according to the link provided above. Enter your login ID, password and login to your account. Please check the following screenshot for your guidance.
BRED, Paris, France offers that you can register an account, and to do find the registration page, please visit this link If you don’t speak French, please follow the same steps mentioned above for translation, using Google translate. Please check the following screenshot for registering an account, all you need to do is to fill the form and submit it for approval.
Last Updated on June 9, 2022