You will find the log in to Chugoku Bank, Okayama, Japan by log on to their website. The website is available in Japanese language only. If you don’t speak Japanese, you can simply use Google translate.
Click on a blank space in the site with the right mouse button and choose translate to English or choose options if you want to choose another language from the menu that appears and the page will be translated to English or to the language you select. The login box is at the bottom of the page of the site, just scroll down and click on internet banking logon. Enter your login id, password and login to your account.
Chugoku Bank offers that you can open an account just visit their website link page. Use the same process for translation as explained above. Click on account opening personal account, or open bond account, investment account or account transfer. It depends on the type of account you are seeking, and go with the process online.
The Chugoku Bank, Limited is a regional bank based in Okayama prefecture. The Bank provides banking services such as deposits, loans, and exchange transactions.
The Chugoku Bank also provides other financial services including securities brokerage, trust banking, credit cards, leasing, and investment advisory services. For further info, please visit their website.
Last Updated on June 10, 2022