The website is only available in French language, you can use Google translate to switch to any other languages. To do this, place the mouse/cursor on a blank space on the page, then click on the right mouse button and choose translate to English or any other language of your choice.
You will find the log in to the Internet bank of Credit Mutuel, Paris, France by log on to their website The log in box is in the upper right corner of the page under Espace client. Click on Espace client, you will get another box to enter your user name which is in French identifiant and then enter your password which is under mot de passe. Meantime if you would like to open an new account or become a client, you will find it in the same link provided above under devenir client du Credit Mutuel, meaning become a client of credit mutuel, It is right beside the login box, as per the following screenshot of Credit Mutuel, Paris, France. Remember that you can always use Google translate to switch the website or any page to another language. To become a client, you will be asked to fill a form and submit it for approval. So, you just go with the process online.
Credit Mutuel Group is a leading retail bank with over 30 million customers in France and Europe. It offers a full range of financial services to private individuals, locally-based professionals and companies of all sizes.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022