How to login to my account with Emirates Islamic Bank?
To login to Emirates Islamic Bank, visit their website’s home page – as it shows in teh following screenshot, click on the login box, which is located in the upper right side of the page. Depends on what type of account you have with the Emirates bank, you can select online banking or smart business. Enter your username, password and login to your account.
How to register for online banking access or activate my online banking account with Emirates bank?
To register for online banking access or to activate your online banking account with Emirates bank, you repeat the same process/steps for the login as explained above. Then, click on self registration if you need to register for online access, or click on activate online banking if you are already registered for online account and you need to activate it. Just go with the process online.
How to open a bank account with Emirates bank?
To open a bank account with Emirates bank, the process are very simple. Use the same above provided link for the home page of Emirates bank. Under the main menu, click on accounts. You have three different accounts types to choose from: Current, deposit, saving accounts. Whatever your selection is, Click on Apply now, and you will be able to register online, by filling a form and submit it for approval.
You can do the same steps if you need to apply for cards or business banking.

What are the services I can request through Emirates Islamic online?
You can make requests for a series of services under “Services” Tab, where Emirates bank have included standard requests like subscribing to SMS Banking, ordering of Cheque books, Demand Draft, Managers Cheque and setting of standing orders.
How can I authorize someone else to operate my account?
You can nominate a sub-user to operate your account. To do this you may go to “Profile Information” and then select “Sub-user”. However, if you have a joint, minor or non-resident Emirates Islamic account, you cannot appoint a “sub-user”. In addition, if you have a joint, minor or non-resident Emirates Islamic account, you will not be able to link account.
What has to be done when I get the message ‘ID blocked’ when I am trying to log-in?
You will have to follow these steps: Ensure that you are inputting the correct USER ID. If not, try to login again with your correct user ID. If the user ID is correct, and you have forgotten your password, go to ‘Forgot Password’ function and change your password.
What can I do if I forgot my User ID and/or Password?
You can visit Emirates bank login page ( and choose the “Forgot User ID” or “Forgot Password” options and follow the easy steps.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022