How to login to my account with Energbank?
You will find the log in to Energbank, by visiting their website and here is the link –
The log in box is in the left corner of the site, simply enter your USER ID, PASSWORD and login to your account.
How to open an account with Energbank?
Energbank, offers that you can open an account online. Just visit their website’s link You can use Google translate to get the website translated in any language you want. Click on a blank space on the page with the right mouse button and choose translate to English or any other language. from the menu that appears and the page will be translated to English or whatever language you choose. Then, click on request to open an account and go with the process online.
How to connect to Energ Internet banking?
Step 1: Get acquainted with the Online Banking User’s Guide and the Terms of Service.
Step 2: Address to a bank employee to complete the documents and register in the “Online banking” system.
Step 3: Present the identification document (bulletin) for completing the documents and registering in the «Online banking» system.
Step 4: Fill in and sign the Application for connection to the «Online banking» system.
Step 5: To access the “Online banking” system, it is necessary to enter the bank’s website and log in with Login and Password.
All questions can be answered in the Online Banking User’s Guide, as well as by calling the telephone numbers: (+373 22) 858-040 / (+373 22) 264-740 or by sending a message to email:
Start using Energ Internet banking and you will add new value to your time!
How to use Energ Mobile banking?
Energbank offers its customers the Mobile banking service.
Mobile banking owners who have mobile phones on the iPhone and Android platform are served at any time and in any place, where there is an internet connection. Mobile banking is a modern, secure and convenient tool for remote banking.
Possibilities of the Mobile banking service:
Information operations:
- balances on bank cards / current accounts;
- statements from card accounts / current accounts;
- credit information;
- information on deposits.
Financial operations:
- payment of services in real time (mobile telephony, internet, communal services, fines, payments to the budget, etc.);
- transfers to other banks based on blankets;
- transfers between personal accounts / cards;
- Exchange.
Communication with the bank:
- communication with the bank through messages.
To connect to the service you need:
Fill in an application to connect to Online banking;
Upload the mobile app via the AppStore (for the iPhone platform) or PlayMarket (for the Android platform).
Last Updated on June 8, 2022