How to login to my account with Europaisch Iranische Handelsbank?
You will find the log in to Europaisch Iranische Handelsbank, Hamburg, Germany by login to their website The log in box is under online banking, in the main page of the site, upper right corner, according to the following screenshot, simply enter your customer ID , user ID and pin, then login to your account with Europaisch. The website is offered in both English and German language. You can switch languages by clicking of EN or DE, upper right corner of the home page. next to the online banking box.
Who should I contact if I want to open an account with Europäisch-Iranische Handelsbank AG?
Please send an e-mail with your request to:
What first information would be required by Europäisch-Iranische Handelsbank AG for an account opening request?
The following information are essential for an initial assessment:
An introductory company presentation or image brochure
Information regarding:
Type of business
Purpose of the desired account with eihbank
Expected turnover
A declaration whether you act for your own account or for account of a third party
A presentation of the company structure, including all potential holding companies and all beneficial owners (which are defined as shareholders have a share of 25% … if applicable also extended)
What regular fees will be charged for the account management?
For more information regarding the fees please visit Europaisch website: List of Prices and Services
Since its foundation in 1971, Europäisch-Iranische Handelsbank AG is geared as a specialist bank towards business relations with Iran, with customers and business partners in Germany and Iran as well as in Europe and other parts of the world.
The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg with its port, Germany’s gateway to the world, has always been an ideal location for the traditionally good trade relations between Germany and Iran. Therefore, the headquarter of Europäisch-Iranische Handelsbank AG is located in Hamburg’s historic Office Building District (Kontorhausviertel) that together with the opposite famous Warehouse District (Speicherstadt) is included in the UNESCO’s World Heritage list since 2015.
Competent employees with years of experience and knowledge of the market provide for the reliable handling of business with Iran, which can range from small single transactions to large projects.
Europäisch-Iranische Handelsbank has a international network of correspondent banks and two branches in Tehran and the Iranian free trade zone Kish Island.
As a German bank it is subject to the strict rules of the German Banking Supervision and is a member of the Deposit Insurance Fund of the Association of German Banks.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022