How to login to my account with First Capital bank?
To login to your account with First Capital Bank, visit their website’s home page – Click on online banking, which is located in the upper right corner of the home page. Sign in to Online Banking
Enter your username and password and click “Sign In”.

How to register for online banking with Capital First bank?
To register for online banking with First Capital bank, got to their website’s home page – Click on Enroll now, which is located in the upper right corner of teh home page, under online banking. Fill the form online and submit it for approval.
Tips on How to know your way around on First Capital Bank’s website online banking services for Enrollment and how to fill the form and submit it for approval
Confirm Your Identity
When the system is temporarily unavailable, the First capital bank’s screen might appear blank with a customized message appearing on the top of the screen. The screen appears when you click on the Enroll for Online Banking link on the login screen. This screen enables you to auto-enroll for Online Banking services. On top of the screen a welcome message displays stating to provide the required information. An enrollment progress box displays the process stage and the Need Help? box displays the contact information. This information and the enrollment progress box appear only for the Self Enrollment. However, the Need Help? box may not appear depending on the settings of your financial institution. Similarly, the header and footer text may also not appear on this screen.
To confirm your identity
Complete the requested information.
Depending on your financial institution’s settings and the application core, some of the fields may not appear and may not be the required fields. Also, the field labels may appear with different names; with or without the spaces; in title or small case; with little different spellings; and/or in a different order as listed on First Capital bank’s page.
The optional fields will appear within the Enter ANY of the following section:
Tax ID (SSN / TIN) OR SSN / TIN OR SSN: Enter the Social Security or tax identification number as appropriate.
CIF: Enter your Customer Information File number.
EAN: Enter your Electronic Access Number.
IVR PIN: Enter the IVR PIN number.
Login ID: Enter your username.
You must enter the username without spaces.
Password: Enter the password.
Email: Enter your valid email address.
Confirm email address: Re-enter your email address for the confirmation purposes.
Depending on your financial institution’s settings, the Email and Confirm email address fields may or may not be the required fields.
While the system does not validate the email address itself, it does validate the structure of any text entered in the field. A valid email structure must be used (i.e. the @ sign is required as well as a valid domain structure like or
Audio PIN: Enter the Audio PIN.
PIN: Enter the Personal Identification Number.
Account type: Select the type of account you need to enroll (e.g., Checking, Savings, etc.)
Account number: Enter the account number of the account you need to enroll.
Last deposit amount: Enter the whole dollar amount of the last deposit made to the account.
Last loan payment amount: Enter the last payment amount that the you paid for Ready Reserve Loans, Loans, or Mortgage Loans.
Escrow amount: Enter the escrow amount that the you paid for Loans or Mortgage Loans.
Original loan amount: Enter the loan amount.
Last loan payment date: Enter the date when you last made the payment for Ready Reserve Loans, Loans, or Mortgage Loans. You must enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Next loan payment due date: Enter the date when the next payment is due for Ready Reserve Loans, Loans, or Mortgage Loans. You must enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Mother’s maiden name: Enter the maiden name of your mother.
This is a case sensitive verification option, therefore, the name that you enter must exactly match the name available in the records of your financial institution. For example, if initially you provided the name in title case, you must enter the name in the title case to get through the verification.
Date of birth OR Birth date: Enter your date of birth in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
ATM card PIN: Enter your ATM card PIN.
ATM card OR ATM card number: Enter your ATM card number.
Identification: Select the identification type for which you are providing the details for verification. Enter the respective details/number in the corresponding text box. The available identification types are: Alien Registration, Driver’s license Number, and Passport Number.
State Issued ID – Enter your state-issued identification number.
Resident Alien Number – Enter your Resident Alien number.
Driver’s license number: Enter your driving license number.
This is a case sensitive verification option, therefore, the license number that you enter must exactly match the number available in the records of your financial institution. For example, if initially you provided the number with some capital letters, you must enter the same letters in the capital case to get through the verification.
Passport number: Enter your passport number.
First name: Enter your first name.
Last name: Enter your last name.
Address OR Address line 1, 2, and/or 3: Enter your address information. The other options for the single Address field can be: Address line 1, Address line 2, Address line 3, City, State, and Postal code.
City: Enter the name of the city where you reside.
State: Select the state in which you reside.
Postal code: Enter the postal code for the address.
Country: Select the country in which you reside.
Phone: Enter your phone number.
You must enter non-international phone number without any extension number.
Click Continue enrollment to continue with the enrollment process.
Last Updated on June 8, 2022