You will find the log in to bank of Jamuna Bank, by log on to their website. The log in box is in the upper right corner of the home page, under iBanking, click on iBanking, enter your login id, password and login to your account with Jamuna bank. Check the following screenshot for your guidance.
If you would like to open an account with Jumana bank, follow the following steps and provide the stated documents:
Two copies of passport size photographs of account holder.
One copy of passport size photograph of the nominee.
A valid identification proof like passport/ National ID /Driving Licence of each signatory.
An introduction.
Way of collecting cheque book
After having an account, Branch will send a letter to your address to check authenticity.
Come with the letter and give requisition to the branch for cheque book.
You will get the cheque book after 3 working days.

Last Updated on December 11, 2023