You will find the log in to the Internet bank of Parke Bancorp, Sewell, New Jersey, United States by log on to their website
The log in box is in the upper right corner of the site, just enter your sign on ID, password and login to your account with Parke Bancorp.
Besides logging in to Parke Bancorp, you can register an account with Parke Bancorp by clicking on enroll to online banking, which is located below the login box. All you need to do, is to fill a short form and submit it for approval.
Some useful info about Parke Bancorp services
How long does it take for a payment to reach my payee?
Each payment made by PARKE24 will be processed either by check or by electronic funds transfer. If the payment is made through electronic funds transfer, it may take a matter of hours for the payment to reach your payee, but it is dependent on the receiving bank and their processing schedule. Payments made by check, however, will be delivered via the postal service. Delivery could take several days depending on where the payment is to be sent. The safest thing is to always schedule your payments at least seven business days ahead of the date they are due. This will ensure that the payment will be made and processed in time.
Can I have more than one account linked to PARKE24?
Yes. You can link all of your accounts to PARKE24.
Should the payment date I give be the date the payment is actually due?
No. You need to allow some time for the payment to reach your payee, so enter a date before the actual due date. Be sure to consider that, although you can schedule a payment at any time, payments are initiated (sent to the payee) only on business days.
How soon are the funds actually taken out of my account?
Bill payments are processed exactly as if you had processed the payment yourself. If the payment is made by an online check and scheduled before 3 pm, the funds will be taken out of your account the same night and delivered to the payee in 7-10 days. If the payment is made electronically, the funds are withdrawn the date the transaction is processed and will take approximately 2 days to get to the payee.
What happens if I don’t have enough money in my account to cover a bill payment?
If your account has sufficient overdraft protection to cover the payment, we’ll draw against that. Otherwise, the payment will be returned for insufficient funds.
When and how are my payments delivered and how can I ensure that my payee receives my payment on the due date?
When you schedule a payment, PARKE24 warehouses the payment until it is time to process it. The time to process will vary depending on how the payment is to be made and how long it will take to get the payment to the payee. Once the system has determined that it is time to process the payment, the payment is changed to a processing status. The payment is then processed by conducting an electronic funds transfer, or a check is produced and made payable to the payee from your account. The check is then sent to the payee via regular mail.
Since the system requires you to submit payment requests seven days in advance, this ensures there is sufficient lead time to process your request and get it to the payee by the date you specify.
Last Updated on June 9, 2022