How to login to my account with FNB?
To login to your account with FNB, go to their website The login box is available on the upper page, right corner under login. Click on login, enter your user ID, password and login to your account.

Guidance on FNB Online services and services
What is Ampre?
Ampre is a program that links offers from merchants directly to your debit card, giving you cash back to your account. You earn cash back to your card simply by using your debit card at participating Ampre merchants. Simply create your account to sign up for notifications, view the participating merchants, and the amount of cash back you have earned with Ampre.
How much does it cost to register in the Ampre program with FNB?
You are automatically enrolled in the Ampre program with your debit card and it’s FREE to start saving with Ampre.
How do I join Ampre?
You are automatically enrolled in Ampre. Visit and select Create an Account or Sign In if you have already created a username and password. To create an account, you must have the card number of your debit card.
What if I have questions while on the Ampre website?
Customer service is available 24/7/365 ‐ simply select the Email option under the “Need Help?” slide out or call 877.272.7445 and your questions will be answered directly by a dedicated Ampre customer service representative. For further details on the Ampre program, please contact the online customer service, or call by phone.
Where can I find an Enrollment Form to sign up for an FNBOnline Logon and PIN?
Click on ‘Enrollment Form’ on the FNBOnline Information page, fill in your information and print the form.
You can drop off the form at any First National Bank location, or you can mail it to the following address:
First National Bank
Attn: Customer Service
P O Box 248
Cloverdale, IN 46120
How long after I turn in my Enrollment Form can I expect to have my Logon and PIN?
You should have your Logon and PIN within two weeks. You will receive your Logon letter first, and then a couple of days later you should receive your PIN with instructions on how to sign on to the system
How late in the day can I schedule a transfer of funds and still be on today’s business?
Transfers scheduled before 6:00pm EST will take place on that business day, unless a future date is selected.
Normal business days are Monday through Friday.
I scheduled a transfer, but have changed my mind. Can I delete it?
Yes. Navigate to the ‘Transfers’ page, then select the appropriate account by “View Transfers for” and click ‘Delete.’ Then click ‘Delete’ on the next confirmation page.
Can I pay additional principal on my loan using FNBOnline?
Only regular loan payments are available on FNBOnline at this time.
Why does my FNBOnline PIN expire? How often does it expire?
FNBOnline PIN’s expire every 180 days for security reasons. You will be alerted from within the system approximately 14 days before your PIN expires and you will have an opportunity to change it.
FNBOnline is telling me my account is locked. What does this mean?
Whenever there are three unsuccessful attempts to login to FNBOnline, your account will become locked for security reasons. Just call your local FNB location or give them a call at 888-277-6506 during normal support hours. They will verify your identity and reset your PIN within 24 hours.
Why can’t I transfer between my FNB accounts?
When you completed the FNBOnline Enrollment Form, you may have not selected to allow transfer capability to your logon.
Also, for security purposes, if you did not answer the question, FNB did not set up transfer capability. To allow transfer capability, just contact any FNB location or give them a call at 888-277- 6506 during normal support hours.
Some of my accounts are not displayed when I sign onto FNBOnline.
When you completed the FNBOnline Enrollment Form, you may have selected to only have access to specific accounts.
To include additional accounts, just call any FNB location or give them a call at 888-277- 6506 during normal support hours.
When I sign on, I see “You have 1 new message” What is this?
A feature on FNBOnline is the ability to send and receive secure messages. When you see “You have 1 new message” displayed, simply click on the red dot and your incoming secure message will be displayed. You may reply to, print, or simply read the message and discard it.
I can’t seem to remember my FNBOnline ID number. Is there any way to change it?
Once you login, click on “Options” at the top of the page. Then, simply type in your new “Personal ID” on the appropriate line and click Submit. The next time you login, use this new ID. Remember that each ID must be unique, so if your choice is already taken you will have to select another.
For further guidance, please visit FNB FAQ’S page,m which contains most of the frequently asked questions
Last Updated on June 8, 2022